2012년 12월 5일 수요일

Predicting the Future of Computing

Since no supercomputer can yet predict the future, we need your help. Readers are invited to make predictions and collaboratively edit this timeline, which is divided into three sections: a sampling of past advances, future predictions that you can push forward or backward in time (but not, of course, into the past), and a form for making and voting on predictions. The most prescient prophet might receive an iPad 2 in 2050. But if the past is any guide, this prediction will almost surely be wrong.
Artificial Intelligence
Transportation & Lifestyle
Associated Press

The Pascaline

Blaise Pascal invents the Pascaline, an adding machine that uses rotating gear wheels.
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Fred R. Conrad/The New York Times

Jacquard's Power Loom

Joseph-Marie Jacquard invents a loom that creates woven cloth patterns based on wooden punch cards.
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Census Bureau

The Hollerith Machine

The Hollerith machine, an electric tabulator developed by Herman Hollerith, calculates the census in one year, a job that previously took eight years.
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A Programmable Computer

Konrad Zuse designs and builds the Z1, the first programmable computer.
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First Microprocessor

Intel produces the first microprocessor, the 4004.
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Computer Viruses

Elk cloner, arguably the first computer virus, is created by a 15-year-old high school student. It infected Apple II computers through their floppy disks.
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Google Indexes a Gigapage

Google announces that it has indexed more than a billion pages.
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Shiho Fukada for The New York Times

China's Supercomputer

The world takes notice of Chinese technological prowess when a Chinese supercomputer, the Tianhe-1A, briefly becomes the world’s fastest.
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